SEMYOU GANTT Gantt project plans

Project planning

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Manage your portfolios, programs and resources for optimal outcomes

Drive portfolio value

Smart online tools help you strategically evaluate and optimize your project portfolio to maximize its value and deliver on business goals.

Improve project outcomes

Robust tools for scheduling, time and task management, and resource assignments help you optimize project plans to deliver better results.

Bar Charts
Make smarter decisions

Built-in reports and BI tools let you visualize data to gain insights across projects, programs, and portfolios, and make more informed decisions.

We’re changing the way you think about projects


Simple project administration

Administer your projects easy, central and safe with SEMYOU Gantt and access them from anywhere in the world. Small and large project can be managed Online easily through the intuitive user interface. Generate new project plans with milestones, tasks and dependencies in a few steps and make these directly available with read or write access to other user in your team through SEMYOU.

Project Gantt

Using SEMYOU Gantt, you can administer your projects Online in an easy manner. In a few steps, generate new project plans and share these with selected user in your SEMYOU Cloud-Office. All tasks are displayed hierarchical on a horizontal time axis when using the Gantt chart, which makes complex dependencies and overlaps easily visible. If required, selection between day, week and month views can be made through the view formats to be able to view longer time periods.


Multiple projects

Administer multiple project simultaneously. Several projects can be opened simultaneously and can be administered accordingly in SEMYOU Gantt. Each open project is displayed by its own tab, which permits a fast change between projects and sub-projects.

Team collaboration

SEMYOU Gantt is basically designed for team work and permits the joint access to project plans within a SEMYOU Cloud-Office. Through the settings, each project plan can be easily shared with other users of the SEMYOU Cloud-Office. Read or write access per project plan can be granted on the user level through access rights. If a user has at least read access for certain project plans, then they will be included in a dedicated project list and they can be opened directly.


Simple navigation

SEMYOU Gantt is divided into two areas, the task area on the left side and the visual illustration (Gantt) on the right side. This clearly arranged division permits a fast navigation through the tasks and simultaneously as visual display on the time axis to identify dependencies or overlaps early. To maintain the overview in case of a high number of tasks, SEMYOU Gantt offers the option to group tasks accordingly and to display them hierarchical. Depending on the need, classification levels can be opened or closed to display, for example, only a partial area.

Enterprise-level security, compliance, and manageability

Leverage enterprise grade security, compliance, and manageability
capabilities, including built-in information protection, secure guest access,
multi-factor authentication, and more.

Designed for the individual
Scaled for the enterprise

Get started with SEMYOU GANTT


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